Rocky Patel A.L.R. - Sixty Cigar - Represents an excellent choice for CIGAR enthusiasts who appreciate a perfect balance between strength and delicious flavors. These medium-bodied cigars offer a remarkable sensory experience, with distinct notes of espresso and cocoa, complemented by a subtle natural sweetness.
With a San Andres Maduro Mexican wrapper, the Rocky Patel A.L.R. - Sixty cigars present an attractive and elegant appearance. This high-quality wrapper expertly embraces a binder from Honduras and long-filler leaves sourced from Honduras and Nicaragua.
This carefully selected combination of tobaccos ensures an even burn and a consistent taste throughout the entire cigar. The cigars are shaped as Toro, meaning they have a consistent diameter throughout their length. They are packaged in pressed boxes, featuring a square design that adds an elegant look and provides additional protection against damage.
Rocky Patel A.L.R. - Sixty Cigar
With a length of 6 inches and a ring gauge of 60, these CIGARS offer a long and satisfying smoking experience. Their medium strength makes them suitable for smokers with diverse intensity preferences.
The Rocky Patel A.L.R. - Sixty cigars are meticulously crafted by skilled and passionate artisans in Nicaragua. Each cigar is manufactured with attention to detail and remarkable technique, ensuring an exceptional smoking experience.
These cigars are individually wrapped in cellophane, ensuring their freshness and protection. Being produced by the renowned cigar manufacturer Rocky Patel, you can trust the quality and authenticity of these cigars.
Rocky Patel A.L.R. - Sixty cigars are the perfect choice for those seeking a balanced smoking experience with delicious flavors of espresso and cocoa, accompanied by a natural sweetness. Handcrafted in Nicaragua and carefully packaged in pressed boxes, these cigars are an exceptional option for enthusiasts of high-quality cigars. is the only website in Romania that accepts the sale of cigars individually.