Rocky Patel A.L.R. - Toro cigar - Carefully aged cigars with added complexity. Rocky Patel has created a true masterpiece in the world of cigars with the A.L.R. Second Edition series.
Rocky Patel A.L.R. - Toro cigar - Carefully aged cigars with added complexity. Rocky Patel has created a true masterpiece in the world of cigars with the A.L.R. Second Edition series.
Each CIGAR is carefully rolled and then aged for two years before hitting the market, resulting in a truly special experience. The A.L.R. Second Edition Toro is a medium-strength cigar, wrapped in a beautiful oily Mexican San Andres maduro wrapper that provides a distinct note.
It is paired with a Honduran binder and a blend of long-filler tobaccos from Honduras and Nicaragua. This unique combination brings forth delicious notes of espresso and cocoa, accentuated by a natural sweetness that delights the senses.
Rocky Patel A.L.R. - Toro cigar
Each Rocky Patel A.L.R. Second Edition cigar is handcrafted in Nicaragua, guaranteeing exceptional quality and meticulous attention to detail. This cigar is an ideal choice for those seeking a premium experience in the world of CIGARS.
With an elegant box-pressed shape and a ring gauge of 52, these cigars are a pleasure both for the eyes and the taste buds.
With a length of 165.1 mm, they will provide a long and satisfying smoking experience. The Maduro color lends a refined and intense appearance.
Add the ROCKY PATEL A.L.R. Second Edition Toro Cigars to your collection and enjoy a memorable smoking experience. Crafted with passion and dedication in Nicaragua, these cigars are perfect for special moments or to indulge yourself or your loved ones.
Order a box of 20 cigars now and discover an authentic taste and superior quality. is the only website in Romania that accepts the sale of cigars individually.
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