Rocky Patel Sixty - Robusto cigar - These exceptional cigars have been meticulously crafted to provide a full yet balanced smoking experience. Their select blend includes tobaccos aged for six years prior to rolling, adding a level of maturity and complexity to the flavors.
With special attention to quality, each ROCKY PATEL Sixty cigar undergoes an additional aging process, benefiting from a minimum of two years to allow the flavors to marry perfectly. The result is a harmonious blend with a rich palette of flavors that unfold once the cigar is lit.
The Rocky Patel Sixty Robusto cigars are handcrafted at the prestigious Villa Cuba S.A. cigar factory in Esteli, Nicaragua, under the guidance of industry experts. This location offers ideal conditions for cultivating high-quality tobacco, and the meticulous production process ensures that each cigar is crafted with care and precision.
Rocky Patel Sixty - Robusto cigar
The Robusto shape is perfect for experiencing the Rocky Patel Sixty cigars. With dimensions of 13.9 cm in length and a ring gauge of 50, these cigars provide a comfortable grip and an even burn, delivering a pleasurable smoking experience.
The San Andres wrapper adds a distinct note of elegance and refinement to the Rocky Patel Sixty Robusto cigars. This premium-quality wrapper provides a perfect combination of attractive appearance and delicious taste.
Whether you are a seasoned connoisseur or a passionate beginner, the Rocky Patel Sixty Robusto cigars are an excellent choice to enjoy an authentic smoking experience. Their origin from Nicaragua, along with the meticulous attention given to every detail, make these cigars a true refinement for any CIGAR enthusiast. Dare to discover the richness of flavors of espresso, caramel, coffee, and leather that these cigars offer.
Choose quality, choose refinement - the Rocky Patel Sixty Robusto cigars are the perfect choice to accompany your moments of relaxation and contemplation. The Rocky Patel Sixty collection is dedicated to those who appreciate authenticity and elegance in an exceptional cigar.
Each box contains 20 CIGARS, providing you with ample moments of indulgence and smoking pleasure. is the only website in Romania that accepts the sale of cigars individually.