Rocky Patel Vintage 1999 - Petite Corona cigar - An excellent choice for aficionados of refined and subtly flavored
cigars. This series stands out for its use of an authentic "Connecticut" wrapper aged for a minimum of 7 years, making it the oldest Connecticut wrapper in the world.
These CIGARS offer a light taste with notes of oak and cedar, providing a pleasant and balanced experience. With impeccable construction, the
Rocky Patel Vintage 1999 Cigars - Petite Corona are well-balanced and offer a smooth and creamy smoke.
The flavors of nuts harmoniously blend with the creamy buttery taste, providing a complex and satisfying flavor profile. The finish of these cigars is delicate and light, allowing you to savor each smoke with pleasure. The producer of these exceptional
cigars is Rocky Patel, a renowned name in the cigar industry. These CIGARS originate from Honduras, a country with a long tradition in cultivating the highest quality tobacco.
Rocky Patel Vintage 1999 - Petite Corona cigar
Rocky Patel Vintage 1999
Cigars - Petite Corona The Petite Corona shape is perfect for those who prefer a more concentrated and quicker smoking experience. With a length of 11.43 cm (4.5 inches) and a Ring gauge of 44, these CIGARS offer an even burn and a pleasant smoking experience.
The ROCKY PATEL Vintage 1999 Cigars - Petite Corona have a Claro color, highlighting the beauty of the Connecticut wrapper and adding an elegant appearance. The filler is a combination of tobacco from Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic, while the binder is from Nicaragua.
cigars have been aged for 7 years, which imparts them with a distinctive character and superior quality. The estimated smoking time for each cigar is approximately 45 minutes, providing ample time to enjoy their complex flavors and bouquet. The Rocky Patel Vintage 1999
Cigars - Petite Corona have earned a score of 87 points from
Cigar Aficionado, confirming their quality and value.
Rocky Patel cigars
The box contains 20
cigars, ensuring you have a generous supply for moments of relaxation or to share with friends. Choose Rocky Patel Vintage 1999
Cigars -
Petite Corona for a memorable smoking experience characterized by balanced taste, impeccable construction, and refined flavors. Savor these premium cigars and discover why they are considered among the finest options available in the world of cigars. is the only website in Romania that accepts the sale of
cigars per piece.