The challenge of finding a cigar that encapsulates traditional craftsmanship with impeccable quality is one of the joys of connoisseurs. The "Gurkha 15 Years Reserve Koi cigars" are that rare choice, merging both parameters in an unparalleled manner.
Hailing from the Dominican Republic, these jewels of the smoking craft come with a medium strength, balanced and alluring to the palate. Sporting a distinctive Short Robusto shape, each cigar is a testament to a handcrafted tradition, where detail and precision are paramount. The wrapper is a Criollo 1998, aged for 15 years, enveloping a Dominican binder, also aged for 15 years, and a filler of the same origin and maturation period.
The generous quantity of 20 cigars in each elegantly designed wooden box reflects the brand's commitment to quality. With a ring gauge of 58, a length of 102 mm, and a thickness of 23 mm, these cigars are crafted to last between 30 and 40 minutes, during which one can savor the flavor notes, including pepper, cedar, and earth. The longfiller structure ensures an even burn and a consistent smoking experience.
Choosing the "Gurkha 15 Years Reserve Koi" is to opt for a product that celebrates art, tradition, and innovation. It's a commitment to quality and a tribute to those who understand that an exceptional cigar is, at its core, a journey of the senses.