H. Upmann Half Corona Cigars (5) - offer an excellent choice for those seeking an authentic Cuban smoking experience in a smaller format. First introduced in 2011, these cigars have a length of 90mm and a ring gauge of 44, providing a strength that ranges from light to medium but tends to intensify as the smoke progresses. Made from the finest Cuban tobacco from the Vuelta Abajo region, they were the brand's first Half Corona since World War II ended.
Packaged in boxes of 5, these cigars feature spicy wood flavors and exotic accents, reflecting the classic style of the H. Upmann brand. Established by a German banker who moved to Cuba in 1844 specifically for cigars, the brand won 19 gold medals at international exhibitions in the 19th century, a fact reflected in the logo found on all H. Upmann cigar boxes.
Customer opinions generally reflect a high appreciation for these cigars, with many positive reviews highlighting their pleasant taste and consistent quality. Indeed, some customers favorably compare them to other prestigious brands, considering them a more affordable alternative for short relaxation moments. Reviews suggest that the Half Corona quickly develops a flavor profile with notes of coffee and cocoa, providing a satisfying smoking experience lasting between 20 and 30 minutes.
Thus, the H. Upmann Half Corona positions itself as an attractive option for those looking for a quality cigar, ideal for a short break, capable of offering an authentic and satisfying Cuban smoking experience.