Romeo y Julieta Mille Fleurs Cigars (25) - a set of 25 premium cigars, handmade in Cuba, renowned worldwide for their rich and complex aromas and refined taste. These medium-sized CIGARS have a length of approximately 12.4 cm and a diameter of 16.67 mm, offering a pleasant smoking experience with even burn and a rich, fragrant smoke.
Romeo y Julieta Mille Fleurs Cigars (25) - a set of 25 premium cigars, handmade in Cuba, renowned worldwide for their rich and complex aromas and refined taste. These medium-sized CIGARS have a length of approximately 12.4 cm and a diameter of 16.67 mm, offering a pleasant smoking experience with even burn and a rich, fragrant smoke.
Each cigar comes individually wrapped in cellophane, keeping them fresh and aromatic. Their delicate and rich aroma is derived from carefully selected tobacco from the finest regions in Cuba, and the handmade manufacturing process ensures that each cigar is of the highest quality.
These CIGARS are ideal for any special occasion or to be enjoyed during a relaxing afternoon.
Product Specifications:
Brand: Romeo y Julieta;
Manufacturer: Habanos;
Origin: Cuba;
Blend: Cuba;
Strength: Medium;
Format (Vitola): Petit Corona;
Length: 129 mm;
Ring Gauge: 42;
Packaging: 25.
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