E.P. Carrillo Cigars - E.P. Carrillo Cigars, also known as EPC Cigar Co., trace their origins to the talent and passion of Ernesto Perez-Carrillo, a master of cigar making who started his career as the creative force behind the La Gloria Cubana brand. The rise of La Gloria Cubana coincided with the cigar boom of the 1990s and a significant increase in demand for premium cigars. With the debut of Cigar Aficionado magazine, Perez-Carrillo earned considerable respect as the publication promoted many of his critically acclaimed La Gloria Cubana releases.
After selling La Gloria Cubana to Swedish Match, the parent company of General Cigar Company, in 1999, Ernesto Perez-Carrillo launched the eponymous E.P. Carrillo brand in 2009. This boutique brand, produced in smaller quantities, captured the attention of connoisseurs and received numerous accolades and awards. The brand has achieved high scores and "Cigar of the Year" titles from Cigar Aficionado, enhancing Perez-Carrillo's reputation as a master in the cigar industry.
The E.P. Carrillo portfolio includes a variety of award-winning and acclaimed blends, such as E.P. Carrillo Encore, which was named "Cigar of the Year" in 2018, and E.P. Carrillo Pledge, rated 98 points by Cigar Aficionado and named "Cigar of the Year" in 2020. These cigars are known for their exceptional quality, offering complex notes of molasses, black cherries, peppers, and hickory, wrapped in a unique Maduro leaf of Cuban seed, grown in Connecticut, with a binder from Ecuador and premium Nicaraguan fillers.
Additionally, E.P. Carrillo New Wave Connecticut is appreciated for its mild to medium profile, delivering toasty notes of leather, cedar, and a touch of pepper, with an Ecuador Connecticut wrapper that shines in a sweet and creamy profile.
E.P. Carrillo represents a remarkable legacy in the world of cigars, with special attention to quality and innovation. By blending traditional techniques with modern innovations, Ernesto Perez-Carrillo has solidified his place as one of the most respected cigar creators in the world, offering memorable and diverse smoking experiences that cater to the varied tastes of cigar lovers.