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FiltersThe Plasencia cigar brand boasts a rich and respected history in the CIGAR industry. Established in 1865, the Plasencia family has a long-standing tradition in tobacco cultivation and the production of high-quality cigars.
The Plasencia story begins in Vuelta Abajo, the renowned region in Cuba known for its fertile soil and ideal conditions for growing the highest quality tobacco. The Plasencia family passionately dedicated themselves to cultivating and processing tobacco, following traditions passed down from generation to generation.
Over time, Plasencia has become a respected name in the world of CIGARS, recognized for the exceptional quality of its tobacco and cigars. In search of innovative solutions, the Plasencia family traveled to different regions around the world, expanding their business and cultivating tobacco in countries such as Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica.
Plasencia has become a force in the cigar industry, producing their own cigar brands and collaborating with other renowned brands in the production of premium cigars. Their expertise in tobacco cultivation and processing has resulted in superior flavors and quality in every cigar produced under the Plasencia name.
The Plasencia family remains committed to delivering remarkable smoking experiences through their cigars, upholding tradition and dedicating themselves to ongoing innovation. With a passion for quality and the art of cigars, Plasencia continues to be a respected and sought-after name among cigar enthusiasts worldwide.
The Plasencia cigar brand boasts a rich and respected history in the CIGAR industry. Established in 1865, the Plasencia family has a long-standing tradition in tobacco cultivation and the production of high-quality cigars.
The Plasencia story begins in Vuelta Abajo, the renowned region in Cuba known for its fertile soil and ideal conditions for growing the highest quality tobacco. The Plasencia family passionately dedicated themselves to cultivating and processing tobacco, following traditions passed down from generation to generation.
Over time, Plasencia has become a respected name in the world of CIGARS, recognized for the exceptional quality of its tobacco and cigars. In search of innovative solutions, the Plasencia family traveled to different regions around the world, expanding their business and cultivating tobacco in countries such as Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica.
Plasencia has become a force in the cigar industry, producing their own cigar brands and collaborating with other renowned brands in the production of premium cigars. Their expertise in tobacco cultivation and processing has resulted in superior flavors and quality in every cigar produced under the Plasencia name.
The Plasencia family remains committed to delivering remarkable smoking experiences through their cigars, upholding tradition and dedicating themselves to ongoing innovation. With a passion for quality and the art of cigars, Plasencia continues to be a respected and sought-after name among cigar enthusiasts worldwide.