Delivery date: 2-5 working days
Each Entretiempos cigar is an example of craftsmanship and attention to detail. Hand-rolled in the cigar factory of Pinar del Río, these gems utilize an exclusive blend of locally grown and processed tobacco leaves. The result is superior quality and remarkable consistency in taste and aroma.
The medium size of the Vegueros Entretiempos cigars is perfect for a balanced and satisfying tasting experience. Their wrapper has a honey-brown color with a smooth texture and a subtle sheen, promising a pleasant and relaxing smoking experience.
Upon lighting, the Entretiempos cigars reveal a vibrant and lively aromatic profile. Notes of fresh herbs, citrus, and a hint of pepper create a symphony of flavors, while the smoke is light and invigorating. This unique combination makes them ideal for enjoying at any time of the day.
The burn is consistent and smooth, allowing the smoker to enjoy each draw leisurely. Vegueros Entretiempos (4) is the perfect choice for those who want to experience an authentic Cuban taste, whether they are beginners or seasoned connoisseurs.
These cigars are not just a product, but a journey to the heart of Cuba, an invitation to discover the tradition and culture of a nation through the taste and aroma of its tobacco. Vegueros Entretiempos (4) represents a perfect balance between simplicity and sophistication, offering a unique smoking experience.