Joya de Nicaragua Clasico Cigarros Pequenos Cigars (10) - We proudly introduce the latest addition to our luxury lineup: the Joya de Nicaragua Pequenos Classico cigars. This exclusive set, presented in an elegant box containing 10 hand-rolled longfiller cigars, is crafted with precision and skill by artisans adept in the ancient Nicaraguan tradition.
Each Pequenos Classico cigar, with a practical length of 80 mm, is designed to provide a refined tasting experience, perfect for moments when time is of the essence but the desire for quality admits no compromise. The perfect balance of medium strength blends robustness with subtlety, appealing to both novice and experienced palates alike.
Encased in a select Ecuadorian Shade Connecticut wrapper, each cigar testifies to unparalleled taste and flawless consistency. The filler, sourced from the fertile soils of Nicaragua, completes this portrait of excellence with rich and complex flavors that reveal themselves throughout the smoke.
The price displayed reflects not only the costs of the highest quality raw materials but also the art of hand-rolling, a rare skill passed down through generations. Each cigar in this box promises to be not just a product, but a memorable experience.
This collection is intended exclusively for aficionados over the age of 18, thus adhering to the Council Directive EC 89/662/CEE. We are aware of the impact of tobacco on health and take responsibility for informing consumers about the associated risks.
The Joya de Nicaragua brand is not just a name but a benchmark of tradition and quality, a symbol of Nicaraguan distinction and national pride. By choosing Pequenos Classico, you choose more than a cigar – you choose a legacy.