The features of the Cigar Bar service include:
Exclusive Cigar Selection: We offer a diverse range of premium cigars, carefully selected from the world's most prestigious brands, to satisfy the most discerning tastes of our customers.
Elegant Ambiance: Our Cigar Bar provides a refined and comfortable environment, perfect for unwinding and savoring every moment of cigar smoking.
Luxury Accessories: In addition to cigars, you'll find premium accessories, including lighters, cigar boxes, humidifiers, and other essential items for your smoking experience.
Specialized Consultation: Our passionate and well-trained team is available to provide specialized advice and assistance in choosing the right cigars and accessories, ensuring that every moment spent in the Cigar Bar is unforgettable.
Whether you're an experienced connoisseur or an enthusiastic beginner in the world of cigars, the Cigar Bar on is the perfect destination to enjoy a premium smoking experience in a luxurious and friendly environment.