Brick House Cigars stand as a testament to legacy, quality, and tradition in the cigar world, representing a rich history that began in the early 20th century. Originally launched by J.C. Newman as a Cuban puro made from the finest Havana tobaccos, the brand was inspired by Newman's childhood home in a small Hungarian village, which served as a communal hub where locals would gather to enjoy each other’s company, often over cigars.
After a hiatus due to the Great Depression, the brand was rejuvenated over 80 years later by Newman's grandsons, Eric and Bobby, who shifted production to use the most exquisite Nicaraguan tobaccos. Today, Brick House cigars are celebrated for their blend of Nicaraguan filler and binder tobaccos, enveloped in a hearty Havana Subido™ leaf, or, for the Maduro variant, a Brazilian Arapiraca wrapper.
These changes have introduced a full-bodied flavor profile, marked by rich hints of sweetness, balanced with the original's mellow-to-medium smoke laced with notes of earth, cedar, spice, and coffee. The revival of Brick House brought not only a return to the brand's roots but also an expansion with new lines such as the Maduro and Double Connecticut, catering to a range of palates from those preferring a smooth, mellow-to-medium bodied experience to those desiring a bolder, medium-to-full bodied smoke.
The Maduro version offers complex flavors of black pepper and earth, complemented by chocolate, dried fruit, and caramel. The Double Connecticut line, using genuine Connecticut Shade wrapper and Connecticut Broadleaf binder, provides a spicy and peppery rich flavor profile, a unique offering in the market.
Brick House cigars have earned their place as a best seller nationwide, receiving accolades including the Best Bargain Cigar, and spots in the Top 25 Cigars by Cigar Aficionado, along with high ratings from other prestigious publications. This recognition underscores the brand's unwavering commitment to quality and craftsmanship, making Brick House a preferred choice for both novice and seasoned cigar enthusiasts.
Moreover, the Brick House brand's connection to family and tradition is a pivotal part of its appeal. The homage to the Newman family's past, coupled with the dedication to maintaining the highest standards of tobacco selection and cigar making, passed down through generations, has cemented Brick House's status in the cigar industry.
This enduring legacy, combined with a diverse portfolio of cigars that cater to a broad spectrum of tastes and preferences, ensures that Brick House remains a distinguished name among cigar aficionados worldwide.