Flor de Copan Cigars - Flor de Copan is a renowned cigar brand, officially starting its journey in 1975 when members of Tabacos Hondureños came together to establish a company dedicated to cigar production. However, the history of tobacco in the Copán area of Honduras traces back even further, to the mid-1800s, when the region was founded on tobacco culture.
Copán was the first tobacco industry hub in Honduras, boasting a strong tradition and even an annual city cigar festival. Today, the Flor de Copan factory is one of the city's largest employers, with around 650 employees, and it remains the only factory in the area since the 1970s.
Handmade in Santa Rosa de Copán, a cool, hilly region near the borders with Guatemala and El Salvador, Flor de Copan cigars blend tobaccos from a wide array of noble origins, a hallmark of quality and distinction. These cigars are notable for their intense woody flavor, with nuances of cedar, spices, and chocolate, showcased in their sensational presentation featuring white, red, and gold ties and a cedar leaf wrapper.
Furthermore, Flor de Copan also produces cigars for globally recognized brands under the Imperial Brands umbrella, such as H. Upmann, San Luis Rey, Gispert, and Romeo y Julieta, targeted at the US market. This highlights the exceptional quality of Honduran tobacco and the craftsmanship of its producers.
The Flor de Copan Classic Short Magnum, in particular, is praised for its exceptional quality and excellent price-quality ratio, cherished for its meticulous handcrafting and attention to detail in the production process. These cigars are known for their creamy and smooth experience, testament to the extraordinary work and passion dedicated to their making.
Therefore, Flor de Copan represents an exceptional choice for cigar lovers, offering a unique blend of tradition, quality, and diversity in its flavor profiles, reinforcing its standing in the global cigar industry.