AJ Fernandez Cigars is a brand recognized for its generational mastery in the tobacco field, originating in Cuba and solidifying its presence in Estelí, Nicaragua. Under the careful supervision of AJ Fernandez himself, the cigars produced are of superior quality, reflecting a rich heritage and unwavering passion for the art of cigar making.
Beginning his journey in the industry working alongside his grandfather in Cuba, AJ Fernandez absorbed the techniques and secrets of the Cuban cigar trade, eventually becoming a recognized master blender.
Despite the challenges faced by the Cuban cigar industry in the late 20th century, AJ remained dedicated to his craft, perfecting his skills and ultimately settling in Nicaragua. Here, in Estelí, the heart of Nicaragua's tobacco region, he founded Tabacalera Fernandez, taking advantage of the ideal conditions for tobacco cultivation and creating unique and innovative blends that have distinguished his cigars from the competition.
AJ Fernandez is known for producing premium cigars, quickly gaining a reputation for meticulous attention to detail and for blending traditional Cuban techniques with modern innovations. The brand experienced rapid expansion and success, introducing acclaimed lines such as San Lotano Oval, New World, and Enclave, which have been recognized for their exceptional quality, consistent construction, and accessibility.
Among the top-rated cigars by AJ Fernandez are San Lotano Oval, with its unique box-pressed construction that offers an exceptional draw and even burn; New World, a collaboration between AJ Fernandez and his father, offering a medium to full-bodied smoke with a rich and balanced flavor profile; and Enclave, featuring an Ecuadorian Habano Rosado wrapper and a complex blend of flavors.
Each creation by AJ Fernandez demonstrates an unwavering commitment to quality, tradition, and innovation, focused on producing exceptional cigars that cater to a diverse range of tastes and preferences. By blending Cuban heritage with the unique flavors and characteristics of Nicaraguan tobacco, AJ Fernandez has cemented its place as a leading brand in the world of premium cigars.