Corrida Cigars - The Corrida brand, under the umbrella of Villiger, presents an interesting dichotomy in its offerings, with cigars rooted in the traditions of both Honduras and the Dominican Republic. The brand diversifies its portfolio through these two distinct lines, identifiable by the color-coded bands - yellow for the Dominican Republic and red for the Honduran cigars.
This color-coding is not just a visual distinction but a nod to the unique characteristics and flavor profiles each line brings, based on their country of origin.
The Corrida Nicaragua Robusto, for instance, is highlighted for its remarkable depth and complexity, making it the strongest in the Corrida brand. It's described as the "bull among bulls," a testament to the robust and dominant strength that Nicaraguan tobacco is known for. This cigar features a blend of tobaccos that are matured for at least six months and undergo a double fermentation process.
This meticulous preparation results in a powerful combination of flavors, including dark chocolate, espresso, and earth, complemented by spicy, aromatic wood notes. The Corrida Nicaragua Robusto is characterized by its Oscuro wrapper, which is deep brown to black, velvety, and oily to the touch, promising an uncomplicated yet intense smoking experience.
On the other hand, the Corrida Honduras Toro is produced by Plasencia Cigars and offers a different but equally engaging profile. It features a Honduran wrapper and binder, with fillers from both Nicaragua and Honduras.
The flavor profile of the Honduras line is noted to include wood, cedar, toasty, coffee, and black pepper notes, offering a well-rounded experience reflective of its Honduran and Nicaraguan blend. The Corrida Honduras Toro is praised for its shiny colorado shade wrapper, silky touch, and the slightly accentuated veins that hint at the quality of its construction and the generous, yet balanced, filling.
Furthermore, the Corrida brand also includes a duo set featuring the Corrida Nicaragua Toro and the Corrida Dominican Republic Toro, showcasing the brand's versatility and commitment to catering to a range of palates.
The Dominican Republic Toro contrasts the Nicaraguan blend with a milder, slow-matured tobacco from the Dominican Republic, wrapped in a double-fermented wrapper from Ecuador. This blend aims to offer a sweet and spicy undertone with an aroma that is both full and fine, ensuring a superb taste experience that stands out in its own right.
Overall, Corrida cigars embody the spirit of their namesake, with each line offering a unique journey through the rich tobacco landscapes of Central America and the Caribbean. Whether drawn to the boldness of Nicaraguan tobacco or the refined sweetness of Dominican blends, Corrida provides a sophisticated array of choices for the discerning smoker.