Padron Cigars - Founded by José Orlando Padrón in 1964 in Miami, Florida, Padrón Cigars represents a hallmark of excellence and tradition in the world of premium cigars. With deep roots in the passion and dedication of the Padrón family, the brand began its journey with a modest loan of , aimed at funding a small production workshop. Over time, it grew to become one of the most respected cigar manufacturers globally, recognized for its unmatched quality and complexity of flavors.
Throughout its existence, Padrón Cigars has navigated numerous trials and changes in the political landscape, including relocating production from Nicaragua to Honduras and back, in response to political turbulence and the US embargo. These experiences have only strengthened the brand's commitment to quality and innovation, maintaining its promise to offer cigar enthusiasts an unforgettable experience.
Under the current leadership of Jorge Padrón, the founder's son, Padrón Cigars continues to honor its legacy, focusing on exceptional quality and innovation in cigar production. The company operates an impressive production facility in Estelí, Nicaragua, spanning 75,000 square feet and largely dedicated to tobacco storage. This infrastructure allows Padrón to maintain sufficient inventory for more than 25 million cigars, equivalent to six years of production, thus ensuring each cigar retains its superior consistency and quality.
Padrón Cigars offers three distinct blends of cigars, each with its unique flavors and sizes. These include the Padrón Series, Padrón 1964 Anniversary Series, and Padrón Serie 1926, all made exclusively from tobacco grown in Nicaragua, known for its superior quality. Each series has its specific characteristics, from innovative packaging with security codes to prevent counterfeiting to the use of aged tobacco to ensure an unmatched smoking experience.
The Padrón Series is renowned for its diversity, offering 15 vitolas in natural and maduro wrappers, all stemming from sun-grown habano leaves in Nicaragua and aged for two and a half years. The Padrón 1964 Anniversary Series, launched to celebrate 30 years since the company's founding, is limited in production, and each cigar is individually labeled to ensure authenticity. The Padrón Serie 1926, created in honor of José Padrón's 75th birthday, is notable for using Nicaraguan tobacco aged for at least five years, providing a deep and complex smoking experience.
With a rich history spanning several decades of changes and challenges, Padrón Cigars remains a symbol of excellence and tradition in the art of cigar-making. Each cigar produced under this brand carries the imprint of an unwavering dedication to quality, innovation, and respect for the legacy of a family that transformed a small business into a revered name in the world of premium cigars.