Joya de Nicaragua Clasico Medio Siglo Robusto Cigars - From the heart of Nicaragua, in the light of an unmatched tradition, we present to you the Joya de Nicaragua Clasico Medio Siglo. A cigar with a gentle to medium strength, perfectly balanced for those seeking subtlety of taste without sacrificing the depth of flavor.
Each cigar in this collection is a unique specimen, hand-rolled with skill and care, ensuring impeccable quality and an unforgettable smoking experience. The Robusto model, with a generous ring gauge of 50 and a length of 5 inches, promises pure enjoyment. Each cigar is individually wrapped in cello, a guarantee of the freshness and integrity of each aromatic element it carries.
The longfiller construction ensures a slow and even burn, allowing you to gradually discover the harmoniously blended notes of wood, leather, and spices, creating a symphony of refined flavors. The Ecuadorian - Habano wrapper masterfully encases a robust Nicaraguan Habano binder, while the filler, also from Nicaragua, completes this tobacco masterpiece.
The Joya de Nicaragua Clasico Medio Siglo cigar is more than just a product - it is a gateway to a world of authentic taste, a sensory journey that begins with the first draw and continues long after the last exhale. It is, essentially, the essence of Nicaraguan passion for tobacco, a passion that is felt in every twist of the leaf and in every moment of the smoking experience.