Joya de Nicaragua Clasico Medio Siglo Toro Cigars - We celebrate the historical legacy of Joya de Nicaragua with the Clasico Medio Siglo Toro 25 edition, a tribute to the brand's defining moments. Encased in an elegant box, you will find 25 Toro-sized cigars, each embodying a medium body strength and offering a complex and balanced smoking experience.
The Clasico Medio Siglo stands out for its diverse flavors, with vibrant notes of spices, wood, and leather that harmoniously blend to create an unforgettable cigar. This flavor tapestry pays homage to the rich tradition and history of Joya de Nicaragua.
The story of this cigar is rooted in a significant event when, in 1970, Nicaraguan President Anastasio Somoza Debayle was a guest of President Nixon at the White House, where he enjoyed a Clasico, Nixon's house cigar. That encounter influenced Somoza's decision to purchase the company that produced those remarkable cigars.
Though Somoza's reign ended tumultuously in 1979, with attacks on the Joya de Nicaragua factory, the spirit and quality of the cigars survived, and today, Joya de Nicaragua stands as a testament to resilience and adaptability.
Each Clasico Medio Siglo Toro 25 cigar is a testimony to this history, rolled in a Robusto shape with a ring gauge of 50 and a length of 5 inches. Each draw is a journey through time, a nod to heritage, and an occasion to savor the authentic Nicaraguan flavor.
This limited edition is more than a selection of cigars; it is a living part of history, a story shared with every puff, acknowledging and celebrating the Nicaraguan tradition and art of crafting superior quality cigars.