Joya de Nicaragua Robusto Selection Cigars (6) - The true spirit of Nicaragua is reflected in each cigar from the "Joya de Nicaragua Robusto Selection". Produced by a name that has become synonymous with excellence in the cigar world, Joya de Nicaragua presents an exceptional set of six cigars, each a genuine representative of the tastes and traditions of the region.
Carefully packaged in cello to preserve their quality and aroma, these cigars boast a Robusto construction, measuring 12.7 cm in length and with a ring gauge of 50. Their strong character is balanced by a natural wrapper, which displays a seductive Colorado hue, evoking visions of the fertile lands of Nicaragua.
The foundation of these cigars is a Nicaraguan binder, while the filler, too, hails from Nicaragua, ensuring a consistent and profound tasting experience. The combination of the wrapper, binder, and filler creates a comprehensive aromatic profile, full of nuances and taste surprises.
For cigar enthusiasts and those eager to discover the authenticity of Nicaragua, this Robusto selection is an ideal choice. Each of the six cigars promises a sensory escape, a moment of indulgence that can be savored anywhere and anytime. Delight in this masterpiece of craftsmanship and tradition, brought directly from the heart of Nicaragua.