Premium Petit Piramide Cigar - is a handmade cigar crafted from tobacco leaves. The cigars are made in the Dominican Republic, specifically for us, Santo del Rey.
It all begins with the selection and cultivation of tobacco seeds. Initially, they are grown in a greenhouse until they reach the appropriate size to be planted in the fields, where they flourish.
The tobacco is only harvested once it reaches the right height and full maturity. Then it is taken to the barns to dry.
Petit Piramide Cigar from the 2022 luxury cigar collection
The leaves used as the wrapper for the cigar undergo a cutting process, where the thick vein is removed. Sometimes the method is done manually, while other times a stripping machine is used.
Size: 4 inches
Ring 60 gauge
Flavor Intensity: medium
Wrapper: Ecuadorian habano maduro
Binder: Jalapa Nicaragua
Filler: Jalapa Nicaragua
For the filler, a portion of the stem is used, which is removed manually. The aging of a cigar is crucial. That's why Santo del Rey ages them in the warehouse in Pipera for at least 8 months.
This product is intended exclusively for individuals over 18 years old! Tobacco seriously harms your health and that of others.