Oliva Serie O Robusto Tub Cigars (10) - are produced by OLIVA, one of the most respected cigar brands in the world. These cigars come packaged in individual tubes to protect and maintain their freshness, allowing you to enjoy their rich and distinctive flavor and aroma wherever you go.
The Oliva Serie O Robusto cigars are made from high-quality Nicaraguan tobacco, enriched with natural flavors of coffee, chocolate, and nuts. They offer a rich, yet balanced taste, with notes of wood, earth, and spices that blend perfectly to provide an excellent smoking experience.
With a length of 5 inches and a diameter of 50 gauge, these cigars have a robust yet comfortable build, offering a smooth and even burn. Each cigar is individually packaged in an aluminum tube, to protect against damage and keep them fresh and aromatic until you are ready to enjoy them.
If you are looking for excellent cigars to take with you wherever you go, then the Oliva Serie O Robusto Tub is an excellent choice. The elegant packaging and protection offered by the individual tubes make it suitable for gifting or for personal enjoyment during special moments.
Wooden box with 10 CIGARS individually packaged in a preservation tube.
- Length: 127 mm (5 inches);
- Ring gauge: 50 (19.6 mm);
- Filler: Nicaragua;
- Wrapper: Nicaragua;
- Strength: medium.