Cohiba Panetelas Cigars (5) - are part of the prestigious Maduro 5 line from the Cohiba brand, known for its superior quality and aromatic complexity. These cigars are meticulously handcrafted in Cuba, using carefully selected tobacco leaves that have been aged for five years to achieve a distinctive Maduro wrapper.
Top Craftsmanship
Each Cohiba Genios cigar is a work of art, reflecting exceptional craftsmanship. The tobacco used comes from the most fertile regions of Cuba and undergoes a rigorous fermentation and aging process to guarantee unmatched taste and aroma. These cigars measure 140 mm in length with a ring gauge of 52, offering a robust and satisfying smoking experience.
Complex Aromatic Profile
Upon lighting, Cohiba Genios reveals a sophisticated aromatic profile. The dense and rich smoke is filled with notes of dark chocolate, roasted almonds, and espresso, with subtle hints of black pepper and cedar. These notes evolve throughout the smoking experience, culminating in a bold and lingering finish.
Design and Packaging
Cohiba Genios cigars are packaged in an elegant box of 25 pieces, each cigar being hand-wrapped to preserve its freshness and aroma integrity. The elegant design and deep brown color of the wrapper reflect the superior quality and refinement of these cigars.
Smoking Experience
Cohiba Genios offers an even burn, allowing the smoker to explore each layer of flavor at a leisurely pace. These cigars are ideal for both special occasions and moments of deep relaxation, providing a memorable and sophisticated taste journey.
Cohiba Genios (25) are not just cigars but true symbols of Cuban refinement and passion for excellence. They represent an unparalleled choice for connoisseurs who seek an unforgettable experience, marking each moment with elegance and distinction.