Partagas Habaneros Cigars (25) - Partagas Habaneros, an emblem of Cuban tradition in the art of cigar making, is an elite product from the renowned Habanos, symbolizing excellence in the world of cigars. This resonant brand, with an international reputation, produces cigars of unmatched quality that capture the essence and spirit of Cuba.
Each Partagas Habaneros cigar is hand-rolled with time-honored craftsmanship, using premium tobacco grown in the exclusive regions of Cuba. The traditional manufacturing methods, unchanged to this day, bestow each Habaneros cigar with the status of an authentic "habana," a jewel recognized and cherished worldwide.
Partagas, one of the oldest cigar factories in Havana, founded in 1845 by Don Jaime Partagas, continues to create exceptional cigars bearing its name. A Partagas cigar is instantly recognized for its intense and earthy aroma, characteristics stemming from the careful selection of leaves from the Vuelta Abajo region. With a diverse range, from classic vitolas to modern innovations like the Serie line, Partagas Habaneros represents a benchmark in the world of cigars.
The Partagas Habaneros cigars, in the Belvederes format, measuring 125 mm in length and a ring gauge of 39, are presented in a box containing 25 pieces. Each cigar offers an intense and profound smoking experience, reflecting a high strength and a flavor profile that indulges the senses. These cigars are not just a symbol of Cuban tradition but also a celebration of the refinement and authentic quality of Habanos.