Romeo y Julieta Romeo No. 1 Cigars (3) - It is an exceptional selection of CIGARS that combines elegance and refinement, offering a remarkable smoking experience. These cigars are made in Cuba, the homeland of fine
cigars, and bear the prestigious signature of the
Romeo y Julieta brand, synonymous with quality and tradition in the world of
Romeo y Julieta Romeo No. 1 cigar is meticulously hand-rolled with premium tobacco leaves carefully selected from the finest plantations in Cuba, ensuring a distinctive flavor and an authentic taste.
Cuban cigar smokers are connoisseurs of sophistication and enthusiasts of rich sensory experiences. They appreciate the superior quality and craftsmanship of
Cuban cigars, considered the best in the world. Smoking a
Cuban cigar is a ritual of relaxation and pleasure, a moment when time seems to stand still and merge with the aroma and flavor of the CIGAR.
cigar smoker embarks on a journey to a world of sensuality and gustatory delights. The complex aroma, distinct notes of wood, spices, and chocolate, along with the smooth texture of
Cuban cigars, create an unmistakable experience. Smoking a
Cuban cigar is a contemplative act, where the smoker savors each draw attentively, relishing every aromatic note.
ROMEO Y JULIETA Romeo No. 1 cigars (3) are a perfect choice for experienced smokers who appreciate a rich and complex taste. Whether you unwind in the privacy of your home or share special moments with friends, these cigars will provide you with an authentic and satisfying smoking experience.
End your day with a refined indulgence and savor the tradition and passion with
Romeo y Julieta Romeo No. 1 cigars (3). Discover the authentic
Cuban aroma and enjoy the pure pleasure of smoking with this exceptional selection of fine
Product Specifications:
Package of 3 individually wrapped handcrafted
- Length: 140 mm;
- Ring Gauge: 40 (15.7 mm);
- Filler: Cuba;
- Wrapper: Cuba;
- Strength: Medium.
The displayed price is for one package.
This product is intended for individuals over 18 years old only!
Tobacco seriously harms your health and that of others around you.