Plasencia Reserva Original Sampler Cigars (6) - Is an excellent collection for those looking to discover the uniqueness and refinement of a prestigious brand in the cigar world. This selection of six different cigars from the Plasencia Reserva Original range offers a complete overview of the experience Plasencia can provide, with each cigar being a demonstration of quality and artisanal craftsmanship.
Plasencia Reserva Original is known for being the first and only series of 100% organic cigars, coming from the finest Nicaraguan tobacco crops. This approach honors tradition and a commitment to quality and sustainability, offering smokers a pure and authentic experience.
The sampler includes a variety of sizes and shapes, allowing tasters to explore different aromatic profiles and intensities. Each cigar is meticulously rolled to ensure an even burn and a perfect draw, revealing subtle notes of earth, chocolate, coffee, and spices, characteristic of high-quality Nicaraguan tobacco.
Elegantly packaged, these Plasencia Reserva Original cigars are ideal for both experienced smokers and those new to the world of cigars. The sampler provides a unique opportunity to appreciate the diversity and complexity of flavors, making it an excellent gift for any special occasion or a perfect introduction to the refinement of Plasencia cigars.